Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Kick the Can Story

A few years ago, I had a student who didn't do his homework three days in a row.  I'll call him 'Fred.'  I was frustrated with Fred.

Now I need to stop and point out that this story occurred before my life changing experience with 'Stanley'(see Blog #1).

Anyways... suddenly I got this brilliant idea of how to motivate Fred.  I walked over and picked up the garbage can from the front corner of the room.  I calmly set it down on the floor in front of Fred's desk.  Then I calmly told Fred that he was frustrating me and I was running out of ideas of how to motivate him.  Next, I flatly stated that I could not kick him but I could kick the can.

Then with a sudden and violent effort, I kicked that plastic garbage can as hard as I could into the front corner of the room.  Papers erupted from it mid flight and with a crash it rattled around in the front corner of my room.  Everybody laughed... except for Fred.  He sat there bewildered.

I went on with the class teaching away and Fred did a nice job of paying attention.  He left after class and I thought that maybe this demonstration may have sparked some effort in him.  However, the next day, Fred was absent and a student told me that he transferred out of my class.

The next day the principal came to my class to ask me about what happened that day.  I clearly described my actions to the principal and she sat there with a look of shock and amazement on her face.  Then she instructed me to refrain from kicking a garbage can in class in the future.  Whenever I tell my students this story, I always include a demonstration of kicking the can.  They love it.

Day 121

1 comment:

  1. I have heard this story and it still makes me laugh. I would have totally love to see the kids faces after you kicked that can. I will have to remember that when for when I'm at work..It actually might work..haha Praying for you!
