Sunday, December 8, 2013

My Class Posters: Learning Skills

Here is my talking points poster for learning skills.  I have to teach my students how to learn.  It is obvious that all students are in different places here.  Even my top students have room for improvement... but when I see a struggling student apply enough of these strategies to succeed and they do well or improve a lot, it is humbling to witness.  These strategies are not just for math or any other class, they are for LIFE.  I am so excited about this information I'm sharing because it works and it is transferrable.  I will be sharing from this poster and the 3 others in the weeks and months ahead.  Like I said earlier, I am playing an amazingly exciting game and winning often.  It's called teaching.  I'm simply inviting anyone to play with me and giving you my strategies and skills I use to win.  I am not tell anyone what to do or that they are doing a bad job or that I think I am better than anyone.  I am nobodies judge.  I'm just having fun.

Day 8

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