Monday, December 9, 2013

My Class Posters: Behaviors of Intelligence

This is my version of a poster that comes from Lee Canter on Habits of the Mind(AKA Behavior of Intelligence).  There are at least 16 behaviors of intelligence and I try to teach them every day in my classes.  This is the 3rd poster I use continually in my classes.  Here is the gap between what a student knows and what they show.  I am always trying to teach my students these behavior so they can achieve at 100% on test.  I can teach them 100% of the material and they can even learn 100% of the material, but these behaviors are mandatory for them to perform and achieve at 100%.  Again I am teaching more than math here, these are life skills and habits.  I believe the most important one is Striving for Accuracy.  I changed it to PASSIONATELY STRIVING FOR ACCURACY as I have already talked about in a previous post.  As I explain new material, check for understanding, correct homework, do warm ups, give notes, students do share pair or anything... I am always making connections with what we are doing to this and the other 3 posters.  I will be discussing, in detail most all of these habits in the weeks and months ahead.  Here they are to chew on for now.   Enjoy!

Day 9 

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