Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Yesterday, during my blechk day, I was rude to a student.  I am very disappointed in myself.  I talked to  the student and her mom after school today.  I simply told them that I was wrong and that I was very sorry.  I had my excuses... but that is all they are.  I did not offer any excuses.  I listened to the mom as she explained her concerns and I answered her questions.  The mom handle the meeting with wonderful tact and grace.  I was very thankful and still am.

If anyone who reads this blog and thinks I'm some sort of super teacher... well, you are wrong.  I am far from perfect.  I make mistakes everyday.  But I don't want to make the kind of mistakes that hurts someone else's feelings.  When I do, I feel awful inside and try my best to reconcile.  I asked my student if she would forgive me, but I told her, I wasn't requiring her to.

The very thing that I want to do the most, I failed at.  I want to love each of my students.  Love is patient and love is kind.  If I am not doing this, I AM FAILING.

Math can be scary but... "perfect love casts out all fear."

Day 45

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